Saturday, March 29, 2014

Ann Bower: Radley Balko focusses on yet another aspect of science gone wrong in the justice system with his commentary on mothers who have lost their newborn children after erroneous drug tests. (Must Read. HL);

COMMENTARY: "County settles with mother who lost newborn after erroneous drug test," by Radley Balko, published by the Eashington Post, pn March 17, 2014.

GIST: "An ill-timed pasta salad meal just before labor resulted in a Pennsylvania woman losing her newborn for 75 of the first 78 days of the child’s life. Eileen Ann Bower failed a routine post-delivery drug test because of the poppy seeds in her salad. Lawrence County, Pa., just settled Bower’s subsequent lawsuit for $160,000. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that this wasn’t a one-off incident.........A study of hospitals in Florida found that the discrepancy extends to reporting women as well — even among women who tested positive, hospital staff were 10 times more likely to report the positive tests from black women to state authorities than the positive tests from white women. And in some states, the penalties can be quite a bit worse — pregnant women and new mothers who fail drug tests can be arrested and prosecuted for child abuse. None of this is to diminish the seriousness of babies born with addiction. Despite the history of exaggerated media reports on both the prevalence and effects of babies born with a drug addiction, they’re obviously less healthy than babies born without an addiction. They still require more treatment and care. And no one would argue that a new mother with a drug habit presents all sorts of problems for both mother and child. But even if these tests were 100 percent accurate, treating both patients for addiction seems like a far more humane policy than yanking a newborn from his mother’s arms — or sending the mother to prison."

The entire story can be found at:


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