Sunday, October 11, 2015

Bulletin: Glenn Ford: Louisiana; Script of 'Sixty Minutes' documentary - 30 Years on Death Row - broadcast on CBS News earlier this evening; (Must Read HL);

In an incredible miscarriage of justice, a prosecutor admits his cowardice and indifference led to the wrongful murder conviction of a man sentenced to death. The following is a script from "30 Years on Death Row" which aired on October 11, 2015. Bill Whitaker is the correspondent. Ira Rosen and Habiba Nosheen, producers. "There may be no greater miscarriage of justice than to wrongfully convict a person of murder and sentence him to death. But that's exactly what happened to Glenn Ford. He spent nearly 30 years on death row, in solitary confinement, in Louisiana's notorious Angola prison until new evidence revealed he did not commit the murder. He was one of 149 inmates freed from death row since the U.S. Supreme Court reinstated capital punishment in 1976. In all those exonerations, you have likely never heard a prosecutor admit his role and apologize for his mistakes in sending an innocent man to death row. But tonight, a prosecutor's confession. Marty Stroud, speaks of an injustice he calls so great it destroyed two lives: Glenn Ford's, and his own."
The entire script can be found at the following link: